Dean of Students: Callie Yatzek
Administrative Assistant: Jessica Rivier
Classes Begin: 8:35 AM -3:38 PM
Doors Open for Breakfast: 8:25 AM
Half Day Early Release: 12:10 AM
2 Hour Delay Start: 10:35 AM
- 2568 Airport Hwy., Adrian, MI 49221
- (517) 265-5082
- Fax: (517) 265-8310
Latest News
If you're interested in enrolling in Adrian Public Schools District, now is the time - Join the Adrian Maples Family Today! We are currently accepting Schools of Choice Applications. Please stop by your local school or call us to begin enrollment. We look forward to seeing you!
Michener Elementary School’s fourth-grade students recently hosted the inaugural Leaders and Dreamers event, where local community leaders from organizations such as...
Upcoming Events
Monthly Newsletter
Here you will find on some of the important and exciting things happening for the Month - Go Maples!
Field Trips
Students planning on attending any Field Trips must have the following Form filled out prior to date of Trip
- Field Trip Consent and Emergency Form (.pdf)
Prairie Elementary houses on average 175 students from Young Fives to Grade Five.
Prairie Elementary is part of Adrian Public Schools and is located in the southwest corner of the city in Madison Township.
Prairie is home to a Head Start classroom.

Staff and students have embraced Maple Pride, our district-wide positive behavior support plan. Positive behavior expectations are taught and modeled throughout the day. Students who engage in positive behavior are celebrated!
Arrival & Departure
Students enter the building at 8:25 AM (during full and early-release half-days).
School starts at 8:35 AM.
The tardy bell rings at 8:40 AM.
School dismisses at 3:38 PM.
Late start days begin at 12:03 PM. Half day dismissal is at 12:10 PM.
In the morning, second grade classes line up on the side where the buses pick up and drop off.
If your child is driven or walks to school, he should not arrive prior to 8:10 AM (even if they plan to have breakfast). There is no supervision outside before 8:10 AM. If a bus should arrive prior to that time due to various route times, the administration will see that the students are properly supervised.
If your child is a bus rider, we will assist in getting them on the correct bus at the end of the day, if needed. If your child walks to school, try to find someone for them to walk with so they never walk alone.
If students are picked up after school, always make sure that they know (before they come to school) who is picking them up and where they are going to meet them.
Parents are to wait outside the building for their child at the end of the day. Please make an effort to abide by these arrival and departure guidelines to help ensure the safety for the students.
Parent-Community Coordinator (PCC): Tammi Pifer
E-mail: tpifer@adrian.k12.mi.us
Phone: (517) 265-5082 ext. 3413

President: Krista Rodgers
Vice President: Crystal Tucker
Treasurer: Jennifer Girdham
Recording Secretary: Stacy Arnold
Partnership with Faith Baptist Church
Through this Partnership, Faith Baptist Church has supported and enriched the Prairie community by volunteering their time and resources in the following ways:
- Provide students with hats, gloves, boots, and coats
- Donate much-needed school supplies to Prairie staff and students
- Became positive role-models to students by volunteering for the Lunch Buddies Program
- Organized the Back to School Bash
- Volunteered and donated supplies for the Jingle & Mingle Art Night
- Provide 3 PBIS school-wide parties with a bounce house, cotton candy, snow cones, and volunteers
- Volunteer for our Festival of Lights & Daddy-Daughter Dance
- Make & Bag popcorn for Popcorn Fridays
- Provide their support and help at Fun Night
Lunch Buddies
Lunch Buddies is a mentoring program where community members join an at-risk student for lunch at school one time per week. Lunch Buddies eat lunch, talk, play games, hang out, work on homework, or take walks around the playground.
This one hour per week could make all the difference in the world to a student. We provide training and pair you up with a student who needs a mentor.
Latchkey & Child Care Programs
A Latchkey Program is offered at Alexander Elementary School by Pathway Preschool & Child Care.
Lincoln, Michener, and Prairie students wishing to participate are provided transportation to and from Alexander.
Doors open at 6 AM and close at 6 PM.
YMCA Mini Maples Preschool
State licensed preschool for ages 3-5 years
Learn More about YMCA Mini Maples
Sign up for Mini Maples Preschool today at the YMCA of Lenawee County
Lincoln Elementary located at 158 South Scott Street, Adrian MI 49221
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Open year round and closed on major holidays.
Mini Maples Tuition:
Family Membership: $105
Other Memberships & Non-Members: $140
Full-time is 4 or 5 days a week
10% discount off weekly tuition for each additional child for full-time enrollees.
To register, stop by the YMCA or contact us by phone or email to receive an enrollment packet.
For more information, contact Amanda Mellis, Child Care Director, at (517) 417-6106.
Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS)
We have launched a new district-wide behavior and discipline program at Adrian Public Schools called Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports or PBIS.
PRIDE is representative of five qualities we want our students to demonstrate on a daily basis. These qualities will be taught, reinforced, and recognized. They are:
- Productivity
- Respect
- Integrity
- Determination
- Excellence