Administrative Offices:
785 Riverside Ave., Suite 1
Adrian, MI 49221
Phone: (517) 263-2115
Español: (517) 417-6277
Fax: (517) 265-5381
Safe Return to in Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan & LEA Plan for use of ARP ESSER 3 Funds
Safe Return to in-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan & LEA Plan - 1/17/2024
- Safe Return to in-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan & LEA Plan - 10/20/2023
- Safe Return to in-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan & LEA Plan - 5/8/2023
- Safe Return to in-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan & LEA Plan - 11/14/2022
- Safe Return to in-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan & LEA Plan - 5/9/2022
- Safe Return to in-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan & LEA Plan - 12/13/2021
Section 18 (2) of the Public Act 94 of 1979, The State School Aid Act, has been amended, which requires each school district and intermediate school district to post certain information on its website within 15 days after a board adopts it annual operating budget or any subsequent revision to that budget.
The Annual Budget & Transparency Reporting is an opportunity to communicate to our community on how we utilize the resources that are provided to us.
1. The annual operating budget and subsequent budget revisions.
2. Using data that has already been collected and submitted to the Michigan Department of Education (MDE), a summary of district expenditures for the most recent fiscal year for which they are available, expressed in the following two (2) pie charts which were provided for the general fund of the district by the Center for Educational Performance and Information (CEPI):
3. Links to all of the following:
4. The total salary and a description and cost of each fringe benefit included in the compensation package for the superintendent of the district or intermediate district and for each employee of the district whose salary exceeds $100,000.
5. The annual amount spent on dues paid to associations.
6. The annual amount spent on lobbying or lobbying services.
7. Any deficit elimination plan or enhanced deficit elimination plan the district was required to submit under this article.
8. Identification of all credit cards maintained by the district as district credit cards, the identity of all individuals authorized to use each of those credit cards, the credit limit on each credit card, and the dollar limit, if any, for each individual's authorized use of the credit card.
9. Costs incurred for each instance of out-of-state travel by the school administrator of the district that is fully or partially paid for by the district and the details of each of those instances of out-of-state travel, including at least identification of each individual on the trip, destination, and purpose.
Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Amended Budget-3/10/2025
Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget Resolution
2025-2026 Budget Projections
2023-2026 AAA Bargaining Agreement
Medical: MESSA Choices II - $500/$1,000 Deductible
Medical: MESSA Choices II - $500/$1,000 Deductible with 20% Coinsurance
Medical: MESSA ABC HSA Plan 1 $1,500-$3,000 Deductible
Medical: MESSA ABC HSA Plan 2 $2,000/$4,000 Deductible with 10% Coinsurance
Vision: MESSA VSP-2 Silver
Dental: Delta Dental coverage for LISD Consortium
MESSA $5,000 Non Negotiated Life
MESSA $45,000 Life Insurance with Health
MESSA $50,000 Life Insurance without Health
Life Cert 2 Administrators
Long Term Disability: MESSA LTD coverage
Creating a Member Account
2024-2027 AEA Bargaining Agreement
Medical: MESSA Choices II - $500/$1,000 Deductible
Medical: MESSA Choices II - $500/$1,000 Deductible with 20% Coinsurance
Medical: MESSA ABC HSA Plan 1 $1,500-$3,000 Deductible
Medical: MESSA ABC HSA Plan 2 $2,000/$4,000 Deductible with 10% Coinsurance
Vision: MESSA VSP-2 Silver
Dental: Delta Dental coverage for LISD Consortium
MESSA $5,000 Non Negotiated Life
MESSA $45,000 Life Insurance with Health
MESSA $50,000 Life Insurance without Health
Long Term Disability: MESSA LTD coverage
Creating a Member Account
2024-2027 AESPA - Signed Contract
Medical: MESSA Choices II - $500/$1,000 Deductible (K-12)
Medical: MESSA Choices II - $500 Deductible (Head Start & Food Service)
Vision: MESSA VSP-2 Silver
Life: MESSA $5,000 Life Union Head Start
Life Cert 6 Food Service FT & PT
Life Cert 7 AESPA Head Start & K-12
Life Cert 8 AESPA PT Head Start & K-12
Creating a Member Account
2022-2025 AFSCME Bargaining AgreeMEnt
Medical: MESSA Choices II - $500 Deductible
Vision: MESSA VSP-2 Silver
Life with Medical Coverage - MESSA $5,000 Non Negotiated Life
Long Term Disability: MESSA LTD coverage
Creating a Member Account
2023-2026 Bldg Administrative Assistants
Medical: MESSA Choices II - $500/$1,000 Deductible
Medical: MESSA Choices II - $500/$1,000 Deductible with 20% Coinsurance
Medical: MESSA ABC HSA Plan 1 $1,500-$3,000 Deductible
Medical: MESSA ABC HSA Plan 2 $2,000/$4,000 Deductible with 10% Coinsurance
Vision: MESSA VSP-2 Silver
Dental: Delta Dental coverage for LISD Consortium
Life with Medical Coverage - MESSA $5,000 Non Negotiated Life
MESSA $45,000 Life Insurance with Health
MESSA $50,000 Life Insurance without Health
Long Term Disability: MESSA LTD coverage
Creating a Member Account
2023-2026 IUOE Maintenance Bargaining Agreement
2024-2025 Economic Reopener for IUOE Maintenance
Medical: MESSA Choices II - $500/$1,000 Deductible
Medical: MESSA Choices II - $500/$1,000 Deductible with 20% Coinsurance
Medical: MESSA ABC HSA Plan 1 $1,500-$3,000 Deductible
Medical: MESSA ABC HSA Plan 2 $2,000/$4,000 Deductible with 10% Coinsurance
Vision: MESSA VSP-2 Silver
Dental: Delta Dental coverage for LISD Consortium
MESSA $5,000 Non Negotiated Life
MESSA $45,000 Life Insurance with Health
MESSA $50,000 Life Insurance without Health
Long Term Disability: MESSA LTD coverage
Creating a Member Account
MESSA $5,000 Non Negotiated Life
MESSA $45,000 Life Insurance with Health
MESSA $50,000 Life Insurance without Health
Life Cert 2 Administrators
Long Term Disability: MESSA LTD coverage
Creating a Member Account
MESSA $5,000 Non Negotiated Life
MESSA $45,000 Life Insurance with Health
MESSA $50,000 Life Insurance without Health
Life Cert 2 Administrators
Long Term Disability: MESSA LTD coverage
Creating a Member Account
MESSA $5,000 Non Negotiated Life
MESSA $45,000 Life Insurance with Health
MESSA $50,000 Life Insurance without Health
Long Term Disability: MESSA LTD coverage
Creating a Member Account
Life Insurance
Adrian Public Schools - Cafeteria Plan - as of January 1, 2025
3001 - Purchasing and Procurement - SD
4110 - Employee Reimbursement Business - Travel Expenses and Conference Expenses
4110-AG - Administrative Guidelines for Employee Reimbursement
The district did not pay any lobbying costs for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024
Adrian Public Schools is not in deficit.
Michigan Educators Evaluation Postings and Assurances
Section 1249 Teacher and School Administrator Evaluation Tools
Teacher Evaluation - Danielson Rubric
Teacher Evaluation Process 2023-2024
Safe Return to in Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan & LEA Plan for use of ARP ESSER 3 Funds
Safe Return to in-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan & LEA Plan - 1/17/2024
- Safe Return to in-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan & LEA Plan - 10/20/2023
- Safe Return to in-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan & LEA Plan - 5/8/2023
- Safe Return to in-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan & LEA Plan - 11/14/2022
- Safe Return to in-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan & LEA Plan - 5/9/2022
- Safe Return to in-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan & LEA Plan - 12/13/2021
Maintenance Equity
MI Kids Back-on-Track Program will start soon as the District has Michigan Department of Education approval. Any questions should be referred to Derrick Richards at
- MI Kids Back-on-Track Plan
- MI Kids Back-on-Track Plan Parent Request
- MI Kids Back-on-Track Plan Spending Plan