Principal: Sam Skeels
Admin Assistant: Andrea Burleigh
Assistant Principal: Jack McGurk
Admin Assistant: Patti Hayes
Assistant Principal: Lisa Fisher
Admin Assistant: Tracey Hayes
Athletic Director/Asst Principal: Chad O'Brien
Admin Assistant: Chris Moore
School Hours: 7:45 AM - 2:36 PM
Doors Open for Breakfast: 7:20 AM
Half Day Release: 11:10 AM
2 Hour Delay Start: 9:45 AM
- 785 Riverside Ave., Ste. 3, Adrian MI 49221
- (517) 263-2181
- Fax: (517) 266-4524
Latest News
If you're interested in enrolling in Adrian Public Schools District, now is the time - Join the Adrian Maples Family Today! We are currently accepting Schools of Choice Applications. Please stop by your local school or call us to begin enrollment. We look forward to seeing you!
Michener Elementary School’s fourth-grade students recently hosted the inaugural Leaders and Dreamers event, where local community leaders from organizations such as...
Upcoming Events
Program of Studies 2024-25 (cont.)
Maple media <--- Click here
The offical student ran communication website
Family Life - Preview:
Family Life Education is part of your student’s Health class this year. Interested in finding out more on this subject? please click here.
Adrian High School thrives on Maple PRIDE: Productivity, Respect, Integrity, Determination and Excellence, creating a positive learning environment for all our students.
Recently, Adrian tax payers voted on and approved a School Improvement Bond providing many security, technology, and athletic improvements throughout our facilities.

Daily Schedule
Adrian High School offers the most comprehensive academic program in Lenawee County. In addition to an incredible base academic program, APS offers a comprehensive fine arts program, various International Baccalaureate (IB) programs, and Dual Enrollment opportunities with multiple local colleges.

PROGRAM OF STUDIES - 2022 - 2023
Instructional Webinar for Parents regarding Scheduling for incoming 9th graders - Click here
Counseling Department
Phone: (517) 263-2181
Fax: (517) 266-4561
Dana Noel
Student last name A-L
Stefanie pickford
Student last name M-Z
Elizabeth Fraker
Mental Health counselor
Tracey Hayes
Administrative Assistant
Theater Department
Phone: (517) 263-2181 ext. 1107
E-mail: egifford@adrian.k12.mi.us
Theater Director: Emily Gifford
LISD Tech Center
The LISD TECH Center is a county-wide, collaborative initiative providing all Lenawee County students with opportunities to explore college and careers through 26 state-approved Career Technical Education programs.
LISD Tech Center - Recruitment Video
Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS)
We have launched a new district-wide behavior and discipline program at Adrian Public Schools called Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports or PBIS.
PRIDE is representative of five qualities we want our students to demonstrate on a daily basis. These qualities will be taught, reinforced, and recognized. They are:
- Productivity
- Respect
- Integrity
- Determination
- Excellence
Adrian High School Parent-Student Handbook 2023/24
Adrian Public Schools - Student Code of Conduct
Adrian Public Schools - Athletic Code of Conduct
Get Text Or E-mail Reminders
If you would like to receive texts OR e-mails from the counseling office sign up for remind.com. Stop in the counseling office for information.

Seniors / Class of 2025
Class of 2025 Senior Year Info Sheet (.pdf)
- Senior Year Checklist 2023 (.pdf)
- Senior Yearbook Information (.pdf)
- This is the link to submit a baby photo for the yearbook.- This is the link to submit a senior quote.- This is the link to upload a senior picture, buy a yearbook, currently $65, or to buy a senior ad.
REMINDER - All transcript requests must be submitted via parchment.com.
Seniors interested in financial aid to assist with college expenses for the 2022-2023 school year must fill out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Please view the attached presentation for helpful information from a college financial aid representative. The presentation is an overview of the financial aid process and the FAFSA. It is not college specific. You can view the Presentation by clicking HERE.
Complete the FAFSA® (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) form to apply for financial aid for college, career school, or graduate school.
Scholarship Opportunities
Click any of the following links to submit your application today! Scholarships that are not clickable, has their application window closed at this time.
Currently Featured Scholarship(s)
Chormann Family Scholarship (.pdf)
Available Scholarships
Cathy Allor Scholarship (link)
Discover Manufacturing Scholarship (link)
Microsoft Disability Scholarship
Alexander Elementary PTO Scholarship (.pdf)
Tory D. Clark Memorial Scholarship (.pdf)
Curtis Alumni Scholarship (.pdf)
Gilbert & Helen Gallardo Scholarship (.pdf)
Jim Waters Scholarship (.pdf)
John Ralphie McDaid Memorial Scholarship (.pdf)
Lincoln Elementary PTO Scholarship (.pdf)
Marvin Memorial Scholarship (.pdf)
Michener Elementary PTO Scholarship
Patmos Scholarship (.pdf)
Prairie Elementary PTO Scholarship (.pdf)
Project Unify Scholarship (.pdf)
Skala Family Scholarship (.pdf)
Superintendent Parker Scholarship (.pdf)
Tau Delta Sorority Scholarship (.pdf)
Horace E. Pugh Memorial Scholarship
Your Opinion Counts!
Tell us what you think. Take the Senior Survey.
Prep for SATs
Begin preparing for the SAT Test. Create your College Board account.
Prep for ACTs
Official ACT Practice on Khan Academy. Create your free KHAN Academy account and get started.
Order your 2024-2025 School Yearbook by clicking image below
Yearbook purchases, photo submissions, senior ads, and business ads can be handled through the website.
Graduation Requirements
5.5 credits English
5.5 credits Math
4 credits Science
3 credits of Social Studies
1 credit - PE/Health
1 credit Visual, Performing, Applied Art
0.5 credit Senior Seminar
2 credits of World Language
11.5 credits of Electives
TOTAL - 34 credits
Job Search Resources
- Job Search Timeline/Info (.pdf)
- Example/List of Local Jobs (.pdf)
- Sample Employment Application (.pdf)
- Resume Worksheet (.pdf)
- Sample Resume (.pdf)
- Sample Cover Letter/Thank You Letter (.pdf)
Have a job lined up? get your work permits Below.
Work Permit - ages 15 and under (.pdf)
Work Permit - ages 16-17 (.pdf)
Jobs at Goodwill
Talent Connect
Find a Job at Talent Connect
MI Bright Future
MI Bright Future Connects Students And Employers. Search for jobs.